Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Haley's New Camera

So, I got Haley a new camera for v-day (valentine's day, not to be confused with Vagina monologues day, also referred to as V-day). Unfortunately, the first one that was scheduled to arrive the day before v-day was stolen from UPS before it ever made it to our doorstep. Then newegg, who is normally incredibly efficient at shipping things out in a timely manner, didn't mail a new one out until Monday (after contacting them 3 times). To make a long story short, we now have the camera and it is cool. We went with the Canon SD1000 which is smaller than a pack of cigarettes. Here is a test shot of Haley cooking tonight.

In other news, did anybody else watch American Idol tonight and get left with the thought "ambiguous gender?" There were no fewer (and maybe more) than 3 dudes who I could have swore were females. Granted they sounded male, but all I could think of was that dude from youtube known for his ambiguity and as a staunch defender of Britney's honor. As intolerant as it may sound, I liked it better when we weren't bombarded by transgender people. Call me old fashioned, but I like it better when men act and look like men and women act and look like women.
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Ashley said...

AMEN on idol.. did you see the blonde i think his name was Colton he looked just like ellen degenerous. oh and i love the garden pictures looks pretty fancy!!

Cassandros the Elder said...

No kidding. I think the Grim Reaper reaped the right ones this past week, and I've got 4 more in mind for this week that I hope get reaped. --Tim

Calloways said...

HAHA Matt totally said the same thing, though he ofcourse would like me to clarify that he wasnt' watching he was just watching over my shoulder....mmmmhmmmm.