Saturday, August 04, 2007

Bourne Again

Saturday, August 04, 2007
11:34 PM

Just saw the Bourne Ultimatum with our peeps, Bob and Daniel, and decided on a couple things-

Rob's "To Do" List:
• Add Ludlum to my reading list
• If med school doesn't work out, become a secret agent
• Learn Jujitsu

Seriously, that movie rocked. The fight scenes made you feel as though you were right in the middle taking and landing punches. It was a couple hours of nonstop adrenaline.

Yesterday, Haley and I went over to some friends house down on the Savannah river. We played some "sharks and minnows" and some pool volleyball. It was a lot of fun, but the pool was overloaded with chlorine and Haley and I are now recovering from some mild chemical burns. Haley woke up with blurry vision that didn't clear up until around noon today.

Oh, and back to my pal Bob: It turns out he writes screenplays on the side. He has written a couple different scripts and has come close to selling some of them. Hearing this makes me want to do more with my free time than watch American Idol or House, MD.

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