Monday, January 29, 2007

Amateur Sketch, as promised

 Yup, here I am in all my glory shooting that AK-47. Even though I was kind of bummed when I forgot my camera, I feel I made up for it through this personal rendition of the event. If you were to follow that bullet all the way out to the target, you would see that it hit the center of the bull's eye (no bigger than a dime) from 25-30 yards out. But seriously, I forgot to mention that in my previous post. I was the only one to hit the bull's eye all day, and I did it with an AK-47 (without a scope). I was proud of myself.

Oh, and the other part of the story that I forgot to mention. Later that night, Haley and I attended a wine and cheese party with some of our med school buddies. I hope to post some pictures of that event as the pictures become available (I didn't take my camera, and am waiting on people to email me). But I was talking to some second year med students and they wanted to know who I went shooting with. Though I had no intentions of telling them who in the area had a small arsenal that Charlton Heston would be proud of, they pushed me when I told them it was someone they all knew. I gave in and revealed the professor's name. I am hoping that one doesn't haunt me later on when this person asks why I am spreading rumors about his armageddon bunker.
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